Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Space X Transport Ice Cream to the International Space Station

After its maiden flight to the International Space Station (ISS), to bring some goods to Earth late last May 2012, Dragon space capsule to fly back to the same destination. This time with transporting cargo.
Launching conducted Sunday, is the first cargo, 12 times as agreed in the mega-space company SpaceX contract between the United States Space Agency (NASA).
Unlike the first release, this is not a test. Dragon capsule carrying scientific equipment and other valuable equipment weighing 1,000 pounds or 452 kg. Also other things that are personal: a combination of chocolate ice cream and vanilla are placed in a freezer for three space station residents.
Unmanned rocket Falcon, also owned by SpaceX, roared into the sky on time last Sunday, is scheduled to ISS Wednesday. The officials said, the mission was a success. The other good news, space junk no longer a threat to the ISS, so NASA can focus fully on a mission delivery.
For information, NASA will rely on the private sector to deliver new stock to the ISS, after memuseumkan number of aircraft beyond its airspace. Lodging with SpaceX, NASA has signed a contract worth U.S. $ 1.6 billion for 12 times of delivery.
That makes NASA interested, Dragon can carry cargo back and forth, from the earth and the ISS in the same amount. Of the ISS for example, the plane will carry astronauts blood and urine samples. The samples, numbering nearly 500, has been stored in the freezer since Atlantis did last shuttle flight in July 2011.
"For some people, it may be very strange. Maybe for you just urine, but for us it was gold," said NASA nutritionist, Scott Smith. "A lot of scientific knowledge we can get from there."
Dragon will spend nearly three weeks on the space station, before finally returning to earth with a parachute, and plunge into the Pacific Ocean late October.
Dragon was remarkable, because no spacecraft Russia, Europe, or Japan could bring home anything. They will burn up upon entering Earth's atmosphere. Meanwhile, the Russian Soyuz capsule carrying not enough anything, except humans.
Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX Corp. is owned by one of the founders of PayPal, Elon Musk. Not content to just send the cargo, the company is now looking to change Dragon capsule into a transport vehicle astronauts in the next three years. A number of other private space companies are also pave the same path.
The presence of private companies in Happenings travel outside earth is beneficial to NASA. Because, so far the agency should belong to Russia's rocket ride to orbit. With a super-expensive price of course.

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